Daily prompt : Express yourself

Do you love to dance, sing, write, sculpt, paint, or debate? What’s your favorite way to express yourself, creatively?

I think writing and photography are my things at the moment.

Pretty much the sole purpose of my blog.

When I  was younger I loved to draw – I was lucky enough to be able to study Art at GCSE level ( and I got an A!) but since then I have not the time or the confidence to draw again. I have pads and paints stashed under the table in my living room but I am embarrassed at my attempts at drawing. I am guessing my 37 year old eyes and hands are very different from my 15 year ones.

Now I much prefer to write or wander about town with my camera. I like observing life and writing about it.

I have always written – since I was very little – creating mini-books with my own illustrations or cuts outs from magazines. It was one of the most pleasurable ways to spend the holidays when I was studying and now on my weekends I will mostly be found tapping away on the iPad or at my desktop PC. What would I / do I write about ? Mostly me…! How I see the world, fiction loosely based on real events, I do not have much imagination so it will be some time before I write that scifi classic.

Today I met up with an old friend and her husband and children. It was nice seeing them. Afterwards I happened to walk toward Trafalgar Square and I came across an pillow fight. Yes, you heard me. Apparently it was an International Pillow Fight. I am not sure what it was in aid of. However it was so strange that I had to take pictures.





One the tube on the way into town there were a group of men in the carriage all dressed the same carrying black briefcases. So out came my camera phone…


So that’s me…
